Friday, January 12, 2018


'Behind Closed Doors' is a story of psychological suspense. Jack and Grace Angel's marriage is the envy of all who know them. He is handsome, wealthy and a successful lawyer specializing in domestic abuse cases. She is beautiful, kind and an accomplished artist. They appear to be devoted to eachother. The title of the book should tip you off to the fact that all is not well 'behind closed doors'. Their harrowing story is told alternating between their past and the present. Jack is a sadistic psychopath (not a spoiler - it's pretty much spelled out in the first few pages) with evil plans for Grace and Millie, her younger sister who has Down's Syndrome.

This book was not always easy to read, particularly if the reader has experienced any form of abuse. Still, the author plays a good game of cat and mouse and draws out the story to a satisfactory conclusion. I would definitely put this one in the category of 'beach book' - a fast, exciting read that does not demand too much of the reader. 

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