Thursday, February 9, 2017


Grace Munroe lives the life of a socialite in the 1950's - parties, shopping, charity events - all on the arm of a husband who expects the perfect wife to advance his career and their social standing.  Eva D'Orsey is a young orphan in the 1920's - a poor chambermaid with a head for numbers at a hotel that caters discretely to the whims and wishes of the rich and famous.
Not long after Grace learns of her husband's infidelity, she receives a letter from a solicitor in Paris informing her that she is the sole heir to the fortune of Eva D'Orsey - a woman who is a complete stranger to her.  Grace travels to Paris to find out about the woman who has changed her life.

Kathleen Tessaro takes us through the lives of these two women and eventually discloses the connection.  (Non-spoiler - although the author does not disclose the connection until late in the book, it is pretty easy to figure out early on).  Through the contacts made in the hotel, Eva eventually becomes the muse for one of the great perfumers in the world.  Easily the best thing about this book for me were the descriptions of the creation of perfumes.  In this day and age when every pop star, reality star and people famous for doing nothing are flooding the market with their 'signature scents', it is extremely interesting to read what a serious, creative process creating a memorable scent really is.  The book is worth reading for this alone.

Tessaro has written a very readable and enjoyable book.  It has been labelled as historical fiction, but I would have to put it in the 'chick-lit' category.  It's a good vacation read, but I'd pack it in my carry-on bag to read on the plane.

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